Successful cheese making course on 11,12 Sept
Hi, Cheese course fans
Successful cheese making course – 11 and 12 Sept 2014
Another wonderful bunch of people came to join us for another successful cheese making course at the University of Stellenbosch in Sept 2014. We had a ball!
Ratio of men to women quite high this time, so I(Leon) had some other guys to talk to for a change 😉
The group was very interested in the processes and we learnt also through the mistakes :-). So although the course is packed with theory – the practicals reign supreme and are the crux of the course. It is very important that by the end of the cheese making course everybody knows how the curd should look, feel and even smell, and that was successfully accomplished.
We have already received photo’s of new cheese makers fro the course doing their thing at home 🙂
Hope to meet you at one of our courses,
Leon the Milkman
B.Sc Food Science degree